Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Dorothy and Domino Went To Church

Dear Grandma,
Remember when I used to have goldfish?  They never lived too long, but they were fun to have while they lasted.

Gavin has become interested in fish, turtles, birds, hamsters and so on.  It may have something to do with the fact that I've taken him to the pet store a few times.  His grandparents got him two goldfish as a surprise.  The first few days we had to keep his step stool at the counter so he could get up and down and check on them.  He did this about ten times a day.  He named them Dorothy and Domino. 

Dorothy and Domino had short lives though.  Their bowl may or may not have been cleaned with soap..... after being put back into the sparkling clean bowl, one of them stopped moving.  No glub, glub from the mouth, no flitting of the fins.  So, down that one went to its watery grave.  Less than an hour later, the other one went lifeless as well.  (We learn our lessons the hard way, don't we?)....

The fish at the top of the bowl is the one that died first.... the one at the bottom of the bowl was just trying to get away.  Ha.

The next morning, Gavin came to inspect his fish.  As soon as he looked at the bowl, he asked, "fishies?"  I told him that his fishies went to heaven to be with Jesus.  He thought for a second and then responded, "church?"  I love how kids make the cutest connections.  So yes, Dorothy and Domino went to church (I just love that).

That day, we went to the pet store and got two new fishies.  He had to hold them in their little plastic baggie like they were his favorite stuffed animal.  They sat on his lap on the way home and he clung tight to the bag.  What a good boy.

Not more than, oh, 1-2 days after that, one of the replacement fishies went belly up.  I noticed as Gavin was saying, "hi" to them before going to daycare, one wasn't moving.  So we're down to one fish now.  He's lived longer than the other three, so hopefully that is a good sign.

I don't think Gavin noticed that the third fishie went to church.

We just weren't meant to own fish!


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